Family Apiaceae (Parsley and Carrot family)

Domain: EucaryaKingdom: PlantaeDivision: Class: MagnoliopsidaOrder: Apiales Phenology

Apiaceae Species Discovered in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park
Species Common Name Photo Where? Phenology
Angelica speciesAngelica species HerePhenology
Angelica triquinataFilmy Angelica HerePhenology
Angelica venenosahairy Angelica(NA) HerePhenology
Apiaceae_genus speciesParsley or wild carrot species(NA) HerePhenology
Chaerophyllum procumbensSpreading chervil(NA) HerePhenology
Chaerophyllum tainturieriwild chervil(NA) HerePhenology
Cicuta maculataspotted cowbane(NA) HerePhenology
Cryptotaenia canadensisHonewort(NA) HerePhenology
Daucus carotaQueen Anne’s lace(NA) HerePhenology
Eryngium prostratumrattlesnake-Master(NA) HerePhenology
Heracleum lanatumCommon cowparsnip(NA) HerePhenology
Heracleum maximumCommon cowparsnip(NA) HerePhenology
Hydrocotyle americanaWater-pennywort(NA) HerePhenology
Hydrocotyle speciesHydrocotyle(NA) HerePhenology
Ligusticum canadenseLoveage(NA) HerePhenology
Osmorhiza claytoniiSweet cicely(NA) HerePhenology
Osmorhiza longistylisLong-styled anise-root(NA) HerePhenology
Osmorhiza speciesSweetroot(NA) HerePhenology
Oxypolis rigidiorStiff cowbane(NA) HerePhenology
Sanicula canadensisCanada black snakeroot(NA) HerePhenology
Sanicula marilandicaBlack snakeroot(NA) HerePhenology
Sanicula odorataClustered blacksnakeroot(NA) HerePhenology
Sanicula smalliiSmalls black snakeroot(NA) HerePhenology
Sanicula speciesSanicle(NA) HerePhenology
Sanicula trifoliataTrifoliate black snakeroot(NA) HerePhenology
Taenidia integerrimaYellow pimpernel(NA) HerePhenology
Thaspium barbinodemeadow-parsnip(NA) HerePhenology
Thaspium speciesMeadowparsnip(NA) HerePhenology
Thaspium trifoliatumYellow meadow-parsnip HerePhenology
Zizia apteragolden Alexanders(NA) HerePhenology
Zizia speciesZizia species(NA) HerePhenology
Zizia trifoliataThree-leaved golden Alexanders(NA) HerePhenology

Can't find the species you are looking for?
Taxa on this list are only those contained in the ATBI database,
and do not neccessarily include all Park taxa from historic park reports, literature,
or other sources that have not yet been entered
in the Biodiversity Database.
Also note: where part of the taxon name is species,
it means that the taxon name has not yet been agreed upon by taxonomists for this group,
or that it was not identified to this level.

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