Family Helotiaceae ()

Domain: EucaryaKingdom: FungiPhylum: AscomycotaClass: LeotiomycetesOrder: Helotiales Phenology

Helotiaceae Species Discovered in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park
Species Common Name Photo Where? Phenology
Apostemidium guernesacii(NA)(NA) HerePhenology
Apostemidium guernisacii(NA)(NA) HerePhenology
Apostemidium species(NA)(NA) HerePhenology
Ascocoryne cylichnium(NA)(NA) HerePhenology
Ascocoryne sarcoides(NA)(NA) HerePhenology
Bisporella citrina(NA)(NA) HerePhenology
Bisporella pallescens(NA)(NA) HerePhenology
Bisporella speciesFungus(NA) HerePhenology
Bulgaria inquinans(NA)(NA) HerePhenology
Bulgaria polymorpha(NA)(NA) HerePhenology
Bulgaria rufa(NA)(NA) HerePhenology
Calycina macrospora(NA)(NA) HerePhenology
Cenangium balsameum(NA)(NA) HerePhenology
Cenangium tennesseense(NA)(NA) HerePhenology
Chlorencoelia torta(NA)(NA) HerePhenology
Chlorociboria aeruginascens Korf & L.R. Bat HerePhenology
Chlorociboria aeruginosaGreen wood cup mushroom(NA) HerePhenology
Chlorociboria versiformis(NA)(NA) HerePhenology
Coryne dubia(NA)(NA) HerePhenology
Coryne sarcoidea(NA)(NA) HerePhenology
Coryne sarcoides(NA)(NA) HerePhenology
Coryne solitaria(NA)(NA) HerePhenology
Cudoniella clavus(NA)(NA) HerePhenology
Encoelia furfuracea(NA)(NA) HerePhenology
Erinella sinensis(NA)(NA) HerePhenology
Helotium citrinum(NA)(NA) HerePhenology
Helotium confluens(NA)(NA) HerePhenology
Helotium epiphyllum(NA)(NA) HerePhenology
Helotium imberbe(NA)(NA) HerePhenology
Helotium macrosporum(NA)(NA) HerePhenology
Helotium scutula(NA)(NA) HerePhenology
Helotium species(NA)(NA) HerePhenology
Helotium virgultorum(NA)(NA) HerePhenology
Holwaya gigantea(NA)(NA) HerePhenology
Hymenoscyphus caudatus(NA)(NA) HerePhenology
Hymenoscyphus robustior(NA)(NA) HerePhenology
Hymenoscyphus salicillus(NA)(NA) HerePhenology
Hymenoscyphus scutula(NA)(NA) HerePhenology
Hymenoscyphus species(NA)(NA) HerePhenology
Hymenoscyphus vernus(NA)(NA) HerePhenology
Ionomidotis fulvotingens(NA)(NA) HerePhenology
Neobulgaria pura(NA)(NA) HerePhenology
Ombrophila lilacina(NA)(NA) HerePhenology
Ombrophila species(NA)(NA) HerePhenology
Phaeobulgaria inquinans(NA)(NA) HerePhenology
Phialea crocea(NA)(NA) HerePhenology
Phialea cyathoidea(NA)(NA) HerePhenology
Phialea species(NA)(NA) HerePhenology
Pseudospiropes simplex(NA)(NA) HerePhenology
Strossmayeria basitricha(NA)(NA) HerePhenology
Tatraea macrospora(NA)(NA) HerePhenology
Triblidium caliciforme(NA)(NA) HerePhenology

Can't find the species you are looking for?
Taxa on this list are only those contained in the ATBI database,
and do not neccessarily include all Park taxa from historic park reports, literature,
or other sources that have not yet been entered
in the Biodiversity Database.
Also note: where part of the taxon name is species,
it means that the taxon name has not yet been agreed upon by taxonomists for this group,
or that it was not identified to this level.

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