Family Liliaceae (Lilies, trilliums, leaks, etc.)

Domain: EucaryaKingdom: PlantaeDivision: Class: LiliopsidaOrder: Liliales Phenology

Liliaceae Species Discovered in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park
Species Common Name Photo Where? Phenology
Aletris farinosaColic root(NA) HerePhenology
Allium burdickiiLeeks(NA) HerePhenology
Allium canadenseMeadow garlic(NA) HerePhenology
Allium speciesOnion species(NA) HerePhenology
Allium tricoccumRamps(NA) HerePhenology
Allium vinealeField Garlic(NA) HerePhenology
Amianthium muscitoxicumFly poison(NA) HerePhenology
Chamaelirium luteumFairy wand HerePhenology
Clintonia borealisBluebead lily HerePhenology
Clintonia speciesClintonia lily species(NA) HerePhenology
Clintonia umbellulataSpeckled wood lily HerePhenology
Convallaria majusculaWild lily-of-the-valley(NA) HerePhenology
Disporum lanuginosumYellow mandarin(NA) HerePhenology
Disporum maculatumSpotted mandarin(NA) HerePhenology
Erythronium americanumDogtooth violet(NA) HerePhenology
Erythronium umbilicatumSouthern Appalachian trout lily(NA) HerePhenology
Hemerocallis fulvaOrange day-lily(NA) HerePhenology
Hemerocallis speciesDaylily species(NA) HerePhenology
Lilium canadenseCanada lily(NA) HerePhenology
Lilium michauxiiCarolina lily(NA) HerePhenology
Lilium philadelphicumPhiladelphia wood lily(NA) HerePhenology
Lilium speciesLily species(NA) HerePhenology
Lilium superbumTurks cap lily HerePhenology
Liriope muscariBig blue lilyturf(NA) HerePhenology
Maianthemum canadenseCanada mayflower HerePhenology
Maianthemum racemosumFalse Solomans-Seal(NA) HerePhenology
Maianthemum speciesMayflower species(NA) HerePhenology
Medeola virginianaIndian cucumber HerePhenology
Melanthium latifoliumBunch-flower(NA) HerePhenology
Melanthium parviflorumSmall-flowered false hellebore(NA) HerePhenology
Melanthium virginicumVirginia bunchflower(NA) HerePhenology
Narcissus poeticusPoets narcissus(NA) HerePhenology
Narcissus pseudonarcissusDaffodil(NA) HerePhenology
Narcissus speciesDaffodil species(NA) HerePhenology
Nothoscordum bivalveCrow poison(NA) HerePhenology
Ornithogalum umbellatumStar-of-Bethlehem(NA) HerePhenology
Polygonatum biflorumSolomons seal(NA) HerePhenology
Polygonatum pubescensHairy Solomons seal(NA) HerePhenology
Polygonatum speciesSolomons Seal species(NA) HerePhenology
Prosartes lanuginosaYellow mandarin HerePhenology
Prosartes maculataSpotted mandarin(NA) HerePhenology
Prosartes speciesMandarin species(NA) HerePhenology
Stenanthium gramineumFeatherbells(NA) HerePhenology
Streptopus amplexifoliusTwisted-stalk(NA) HerePhenology
Streptopus lanceolatusRose twisted-stalk HerePhenology
Trillium catesbaeiCatesbys trillium HerePhenology
Trillium cuneatumSessile-flowered maroon trillium(NA) HerePhenology
Trillium erectumWake robin HerePhenology
Trillium grandiflorumWhite trillium(NA) HerePhenology
Trillium luteumYellow Trillium(NA) HerePhenology
Trillium rugeliiSouthern nodding trillium(NA) HerePhenology
Trillium speciesTrillium HerePhenology
Trillium undulatumPainted Trillium HerePhenology
Trillium vaseyiVaseys trillium HerePhenology
Uvularia grandifloraLarge-Flowered Bellwort(NA) HerePhenology
Uvularia perfoliataPerfoliate Bellwort(NA) HerePhenology
Uvularia puberulaMountain bellwort(NA) HerePhenology
Uvularia sessilifoliaWild oats(NA) HerePhenology
Uvularia speciesBellwort species(NA) HerePhenology
Veratrum parviflorumAppalachian bunchflower(NA) HerePhenology
Veratrum speciesHellebore species(NA) HerePhenology
Veratrum virideGreen false hellebore (NA) HerePhenology

Can't find the species you are looking for?
Taxa on this list are only those contained in the ATBI database,
and do not neccessarily include all Park taxa from historic park reports, literature,
or other sources that have not yet been entered
in the Biodiversity Database.
Also note: where part of the taxon name is species,
it means that the taxon name has not yet been agreed upon by taxonomists for this group,
or that it was not identified to this level.

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