Family Scrophulariaceae ()

Domain: EucaryaKingdom: PlantaeDivision: Class: MagnoliopsidaOrder: Scrophulariales Phenology

Scrophulariaceae Species Discovered in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park
Species Common Name Photo Where? Phenology
Agalinis purpurea(NA)(NA) HerePhenology
Agalinis setaceanarrow-leaved gerardia(NA) HerePhenology
Agalinis tenuifoliaSlender gerardia(NA) HerePhenology
Aureolaria flavaYellow gerardia(NA) HerePhenology
Aureolaria laevigataSmooth gerardia(NA) HerePhenology
Aureolaria pectinataCut-leaved gerardia(NA) HerePhenology
Aureolaria pedicularia(NA)(NA) HerePhenology
Aureolaria species(NA) HerePhenology
Aureolaria virginicaDowny false-foxglove(NA) HerePhenology
Castilleja coccinea(NA)(NA) HerePhenology
Chelone cuthbertii(NA)(NA) HerePhenology
Chelone glabra(NA)(NA) HerePhenology
Chelone lyoniiPink turtlehead(NA) HerePhenology
Chelone obliquaLance-leaved turtlehead HerePhenology
Chelone speciesTurtlehead species(NA) HerePhenology
Digitalis purpureaFox-glove(NA) HerePhenology
Digitalis species(NA)(NA) HerePhenology
Gratiola neglectaHedge-hyssop(NA) HerePhenology
Gratiola species(NA)(NA) HerePhenology
Linaria canadensistoadflax(NA) HerePhenology
Lindernia dubiafalse Pimpernel(NA) HerePhenology
Mazus miqueliiMazus(NA) HerePhenology
Mazus pumilus(NA)(NA) HerePhenology
Melampyrum linearecow wheat(NA) HerePhenology
Mimulus alatuswinged monkey flower(NA) HerePhenology
Mimulus ringensMonkey flower(NA) HerePhenology
Mimulus species(NA)(NA) HerePhenology
Nuttallanthus canadensisOld-Field toadflax(NA) HerePhenology
Paulownia tomentosaPrincess tree(NA) HerePhenology
Pedicularis canadensiswood betony(NA) HerePhenology
Penstemon canescenshairy beard-tongue(NA) HerePhenology
Penstemon digitalisLarge-flowered beard tongue(NA) HerePhenology
Penstemon laevigatusSmooth beard-tongue(NA) HerePhenology
Penstemon smallii(NA) HerePhenology
Penstemon species(NA)(NA) HerePhenology
Scrophularia marilandicaFigwort(NA) HerePhenology
Verbascum blattariamoth mullein(NA) HerePhenology
Verbascum thapsusCommon mullein(NA) HerePhenology
Veronica arvensisCorn speedwell(NA) HerePhenology
Veronica hederifolia(NA)(NA) HerePhenology
Veronica officinalisCommon speedwell(NA) HerePhenology
Veronica peregrinaPurslane speedwell(NA) HerePhenology
Veronica serpyllifoliaThyme-leaved speedwell(NA) HerePhenology
Veronica species(NA)(NA) HerePhenology

Can't find the species you are looking for?
Taxa on this list are only those contained in the ATBI database,
and do not neccessarily include all Park taxa from historic park reports, literature,
or other sources that have not yet been entered
in the Biodiversity Database.
Also note: where part of the taxon name is species,
it means that the taxon name has not yet been agreed upon by taxonomists for this group,
or that it was not identified to this level.

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