Watershed Distribution and Sampling Info for the Species Lactarius indigo

Purchase Area
Lower Ltl River
NC Fringe
TN Fringe

Sampling Information for Lactarius indigo
WatershedSampling Method Sample DateCollector(s)Determiner
Abrams Creek by hand2014-07-12 TBeachy & MHunter Emma Harrower
Cosby Creek observed1986-10-01 FBradley FBradley
Uncertain by hand1934-08-06 TennFu_group_033 KWHughes
Uncertain by hand1934-08-12 TennFu_group_046 KWHughes
Uncertain by hand1934-08-14 TennFu_group_286 KWHughes
Uncertain by hand1934-08-27 TennFu_group_033 KWHughes
Uncertain by hand1934-08-30 TennFu_group_033 KWHughes
Uncertain by hand1938-08-14 TennFu_group_328 KWHughes
Uncertain by hand1938-09-15 TennFu_group_020 KWHughes
Uncertain by hand1945-08-08 TennFu_group_326 KWHughes
Uncertain by hand1955-08-06 TennFu_group_369 KWHughes
Uncertain by hand1963-07-09 TennFu_group_326 KWHughes
Uncertain by hand1964-08-01 TennFu_group_492 KWHughes
Uncertain by hand1965-08-31 TennFu_group_492 KWHughes
Uncertain by hand1965-09-03 TennFu_group_511 KWHughes
Uncertain by hand1966-08-25 TennFu_group_326 KWHughes
Uncertain by hand1970-09-14 TennFu_group_261 KWHughes
Uncertain by hand1971-07-26 TennFu_group_261 KWHughes
Uncertain by hand1971-10-13 TennFu_group_360 KWHughes
Uncertain by hand1972-07-25 TennFu_group_106 KWHughes
Uncertain by hand1974-11-25 TennFu_group_033 KWHughes
Uncertain by hand2006-09-27 TennFu_group_158 KWHughes