Come out to Sugarlands Visitor Center to learn more about Butterflies and Caterpillars in the Smokies with Julie Elliott, a lepidopteran specialist. — Science at Sugarlands is a reoccurring event that falls on the third Friday of each month starting in May and going through October, from 1-3 PM. Each […]
Come out to Sugarlands Visitor Center to learn more about Beetles of the Smokies with Claire Winfrey from The University of Tennessee. ___ Science at Sugarlands is a reoccurring event that falls on the third Friday of each month starting in May and going through October, from 1-3 PM. Each […]
Wildflowers: Gems of the Smokies Janet Rock, retired Botanist, Great Smoky Mountains NP For more information about this free event and to register, please visit our main Science at Suglarlands page.
Restoring fish to the Smokies’ most diverse stream Pat Rakes, Co-founder & Director, Conservation Fisheries For more information about this free event and to register, please visit our main Science at Suglarlands page.
The National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON) and its work in the Smokies WP “Bill Martin, Field Operations Manager, NEON-Battelle Ecology For more information about this free event and to register, please visit our main Science at Suglarlands page.
Appalachian Balds: ecological enigma & conservation dilemma Jesse Webster, Forester, Great Smoky Mountains NP For more information about this free event and to register, please visit our main Science at Suglarlands page.
Burning questions: why are plant-soil microbiome interactions important & how does the Chimney Tops fire affect this ecological internet? Kendall Beals, PhD Student, University of Tennessee For more information about this free event and to register, please visit our main Science at Suglarlands page.
Lichens of the Smokies revealed James Lendemer, Assistant Curator, New York Botanical Garden For more information about this free event and to register, please visit our main Science at Suglarlands page.
Butterflies of Cades Cove Warren Bielenberg, Great Smoky Mountains National Park, National Park Service ** CANCELLED: Our May 8 talk has been cancelled due to COVID-19. We will try to reschedule this talk for the 2021 season. ** For more information about this free event and to register, please visit […]
Butterflies of Cades Cove Warren Bielenberg Learn about the variety and natural history of the many butterfly species living in Cades Cove from Warren Bielenberg, who has surveyed them for years. For more information about this free virtual event and to register, please visit our main Science at Sugarlands page.