Phylum Arthropoda (Arthropods)

Domain: Eucarya Kingdom: Animalia Phylum Phenology

Classes of the Phylum Arthropoda Discovered in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park

Class Common Name Photo Example Where? Phenology
ArachnidaSpiders, Mites and Relatives HerePhenology
Arthropoda_Class(NA)(NA) HerePhenology
BranchiopodaFreshwater shrimp(NA) HerePhenology
ChilopodaCentipedes HerePhenology
CollembolaSpringtails HerePhenology
CopepodaCopepods(NA) HerePhenology
Crustacea_classCrustaceans(NA) HerePhenology
DiplopodaMillipedes HerePhenology
DipluraTwo-pronged Bristletails(NA) HerePhenology
InsectaInsects HerePhenology
MalacostracaCrayfish, Amphipods and Isopods(NA) HerePhenology
MaxillopodaCopepods and relatives(NA) HerePhenology
OstracodaSeed Shrimp(NA) HerePhenology
PauropodaSmall Soil Myriapod(NA) HerePhenology
ProturaConeheads(NA) HerePhenology
SymphylaGarden Centipedes(NA) HerePhenology

Can't find the classes you are looking for? Note:
Classes on this list are only those contained in the ATBI database,
and do not neccessarily include all Park classes from historic park reports, literature,
or other sources that have not yet been entered in the Biodiversity Database.
Also note: where the class name ends with '_class', it means that the class
name has not yet been agreed upon by taxonomists for this group,
or that it was not identified to this level.

In Case You Didn't Know ...
Phylum Arthropoda at over 1,110,000 described species worldwide (Stork 1997) is by far the most successful phylum in the animal kingdom. 85% of all animals are arthropods. Arthropods include insects, arachnids, crustaceans, millipedes, centipedes, and many other minor groups commonly referred to as "bugs".
Arthropods have many values to humans and ecosystems, including pollinating flowers, decomposing dead animals and feces, controlling populations of "pest" species, providing food to other animals (and in some cases, food for humans), and just being beautiful (such as butterflies). Knowing more about arthropods helps insure that these valuable functions continue and help us to control the "pest" species, including those like mosquitoes and ticks that can transmit deadly human diseases.

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